General News |3 min read

Window Replacement Projects

Ready to tackle your window replacement project? Here a few ways to help you prepare for the project:

Replacing your home’s windows may sound like a daunting and expensive task, however, if you work with a trusted professional installer like us, the entire process can be seamless. Not only does replacing old windows give your home an updated look, but it will also increase energy efficiency and reduce the risk of possible damage from water leaks as well.

Before you jump right into a full window update, there are a few factors you will want to consider such as budget, timeline, and type of windows you are looking to install. As each home is unique, there is no simple way to calculate the cost of install but having an idea of what you are looking for can help mitigate the shock that may come from this project cost.

Window Replacement Style

The first question you will want to ask yourself is what style are you looking for? Are you looking to update to something more on trend, or would you rather stick with the classic timeliness look that is guaranteed for years to come? Whatever you do end up selecting, this first step will help ballpark you into a price range.

One thing to remember here is that price is not only based on the window selected, but the difficulty of the install of those windows as well. If you are able to narrow down your style choices to a few options, we can then begin to move forward to see where pricing lands! Remember not to get stuck on a single style if those do happen to end up outside of your desired price range!

Window Replacement Material

The next step (and a very important one) you will want to complete is figuring out which material you would like for your new windows. There are a variety of factors that differentiate materials and cost as well such as style which we mentioned earlier and energy efficiency.


If your goal is a timeless and elegant look while having great insulation, we recommend going with wood! It is a very attractive and natural look that can be re-stained and updated whenever desired. However, wood is more susceptible to moisture damage and rotting which may cause for more maintenance. We see many homeowners that find the beauty of wood windows to be well worth the effort they are to maintain.


Over the last few years, we have seen vinyl windows become one of the most popular choices for a variety of reasons. The main reason we are seeing vinyl so popular in the market comes down to cost – these replacement windows are often the least expensive and require the least amount of maintenance and they also do a great job at keeping your home energy efficient.

The well insulated framing of vinyl windows works wonders in lowering cold drafts from entering your home. One drawback we see with vinyl windows however is you are often limited in color choices (typically we see white and black in the market).


If price is not a factor in the decision-making process for new windows, fiberglass will be the top choice you could make in window replacement. Although they will be the highest price option, they will be the most durable and most energy efficient by far when compared to vinyl and wood. They are the physically strongest windows on the market and can be painted to match any aesthetic you are looking to achieve in your home.

Knowing what your end goal is when beginning a window replacement project is super important! Consider all of the factors that we talked about regarding price, aesthetic, and energy efficiency before diving into this project. With the right professionals to help you with the job, we assure you that this update will drastically change the look and feel of your home! If you live in Maple Grove, St Paul, Mankato or anywhere in between, give us a call to get a free estimate on window replacement!