General News |3 min read

What To Do After A Storm

The roof is an important part of your home, and it’s important to repair any damage after a storm. This can help protect you and your family from further damage in the future – here are some tips for what to do after a storm:

Focus on your roof and gutters

If your roof is intact, the most important thing you can do is focus on repairing any damage to it. Other than that, if you’ve got gutters installed (as most homes do), make sure they’re working correctly by inspecting them for any problems. You should also have an idea of what type of material was used for their construction so that when replacing them later down the road, there won’t be any issue with how long they’re expected to last before needing replacement

Document the damage

After a storm, it is important to document the damage as soon as possible. You should take photographs and write down what you see. Keep in mind that your insurance agent may not be able to help you unless they are aware of the problem. It is also important to get evidence of any witnesses who were present during this incident, such as neighbors or family members who were home at the time of impact. If there was anyone else on site when the storm hit (like an electrician), these details could be very helpful in determining whether any additional costs will need be paid out by local governments or individuals alike!

Finally—and most importantly—get their name/phone number if possible so that we can reach out directly for any questions about insurance coverage or claims processing once initial repairs have been completed.

Check for leaks

Look for signs of water damage. The first thing to do when inspecting your roof after a storm is look for signs of water damage. Check for wet spots, mold or mildew on ceilings and walls, stains on the ceiling/wall surfaces that may indicate leaks or other problems with your roofing materials.

Check electrical outlets and switches for water damage: Electrical outlets are often an important part of any home’s infrastructure, but they can also be vulnerable to moisture intrusion if the outlet cover has been removed from its mounting location during repairs after a storm comes through town. If you notice that there is any kind of discoloration where this cover should be mounted (usually at the top), replace it immediately so as not to risk further damage from leaking electricity into your home’s wiring system.

Report the damage to your insurance company

Report the damage to your insurance company. This is a very important step because it helps them figure out how much they’re getting reimbursed for and what needs to be done for you to get paid. You’ll need a copy of your insurance policy (or at least an email from them), as well as photos or videos of the damage and any receipts that support this claim.

Wait until they tell you exactly how long before cleaning up or fixing things; otherwise, there’s no way of knowing if all necessary repairs have been made and everything will be safe enough for people to enter again!

Give us a call!

The next and most important step is to give us a call as soon as you can! If you are in St. Paul, Maple Grove or anywhere in the Twin Cities, we will come out and take a look at all the damage in order to provide an accurate quote, as well as work alongside your insurance provider if there is enough damage for reimbursement.

Roofing is important, be sure to repair it after a storm.

Roofing is important, be sure to repair it after a storm. Check for leaks and get quotes from roofers. The gutters are also important to take care of, so focus on those areas first before moving on to other repairs like siding or windows.