How Hail Storms Damages Your Home’s Roof & Siding
Your home is your first line of defense against the elements, and although it does a great job of keeping you safe, these storms can have significant consequences on your home’s roof and siding.
How Hail & Wind Damages Your Roof
Asphalt shingles are the most common type of roofing material and is also the most damaged by hail. Hail will result in granule loss, which is what is embedded into your shingles to protect it from the sun. Hail will create soft spots and ultimately cause bald spots and cracked shingles, which leads to water leaks.
Unfortunately hail damage voids any warranty you may have from the manufacturer, so it is important to inspect your home or call a professional to assess your roof’s damage as quickly as possible to ensure your insurance company will provide coverage for any necessary repairs.
High winds can also be detrimental to your home’s roof. These gusts can result in ripping and tearing them through the nails securing them in place. Once a shingle is torn, it is no longer able to withstand water and can put your home at risk. These shingles can lay flat after ripping, which makes it extremely difficult to assess the damage, so it is important to call a qualified professional.
We recognize how crucial the hours are after a storm, which is why we offer emergency call services to help you get your home assessed and fixed quickly.
How Hail & Wind Damages Your Siding
Hail will create circular dents on aluminum and wood siding. Although vinyl siding will not be dented by hail, it may crack or chip in colder temperatures. It can also chip paint from metal, wood and fiber-cement siding products. Not only does this cause unsightly damage, it can also expose your home to moisture, which will lead to wood rot and premature aging.
High winds can lift siding panels away from your home’s exterior walls, which will make your home susceptible to damage. If you only have a few damaged panels, these individual panels are usually able to be removed and replaced without needed to reside your entire house, but if you are concerned about the damage and your siding’s integrity you should always consult with a professional.